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7th Grade Info

The 7th Grade team is made up of a majority of veteran teachers with many years of experience. We are lucky that many of them have spent most of their teaching career here at EVMS. 

7th Grade Schedule is made up of 5 core classes; Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language Arts and a second Language Arts dependent on a student’s specific intervention or accelerated need. 2 Specials classes that rotate depending on the content of the class. Current classes Specials available for 7th Grade;  Art, AVID, Band, Choir, Drama, Physical Education (PE) and STEM. Students then have Crew (homeroom) every day to gather at the end of the day. 

Current 7th Grade Staff

  • Mathematics - Angel Florencio
  • Language Arts - Jamie Kellogg
  • Language Arts Lab - Debra Hawk
  • Science - Tanya Caruso
  • Social Studies - Kim Spalding


2024-25 7th Grade School Supply List

Cell Phone Use

Cell phones are not allowed during school hours. If a student has a cell phone they must keep it turned off and in their locker until the last bell. If a cell phone is used during school hours it will be taken away from the student for the rest of the day and a parent will have to come and pick it up from the front office. Please help us to enforce this policy by not texting or calling your student during school hours. If you need to get a note to a student, please call the front office. If it is urgent, we will get the note to your child immediately. If it is not a pressing matter, we will call them down at the end of the day and relay the message. Students will be called down to the office at 3:45pm (before the last bell) to pick up their after school notes.